TEAP (Toolbox for Emotion Analysis using Physiological Signals) doc
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EEG Directory Reference


directory  acquisition
directory  examples
directory  features


file  EEG__assert_type.m [code]
 Asserts that the given signal is an EEG one Please refer to Signal__assert_type for more extensive documentation.
file  EEG__get_signame.m [code]
 Gets the name of a EEG signal.
file  EEG__new_empty.m [code]
 Creates a new EEG empty signal.
file  EEG_get_channel.m [code]
 Gets the channel data from the EEG signal.
file  EEG_get_elname.m [code]
 Gets the electrode name from a number.
file  EEG_has_channel.m [code]
 Simply tells you if that specific channel on the EEG signal exists.
file  EEG_reference_mean.m [code]
 re-references the EEG signals to their mean Creates a reference for the EEG signal; removed average reference' the signal
file  EEG_set_channel.m [code]
 Sets the channel 'channelName' of the EEG signal.